Star Frontiers Wiki

A Freeze Field is a medical device that places a body in stasis and preserves it until it can be revived at a hospital for emergency care. This is not a device for most medical emergencies, but a last-ditch for anyone who is immediate death by trauma or bloodless. Only a medic can activate a freeze field correctly. A freeze field must be activated within two minutes (20 turns) after death, or the body can not be revived.

Each freeze field device contains 20 SEU. The field uses 1 SEU every 10 hours. Another power source can be attached if the power runs low, but if it ever runs out the body can not be revived. A person loses one point from one of his or her ability scores for each full 10 hours he spends in a freeze field (which abilities are lost is subjected to the character's player). A freeze field device can be reused, but it must be recharged and returned at a hospital or shop, at a cost of 100 Cr. A Freeze Field costs 1,200 credits, and weighs 4 kg.
