Star Frontiers Wiki

The governments of the members of the United Planets vary widely from system to system and race to race.[1]

Many of the more heavily-populated planets are governed by some sort of democracy or republic. Regular elections are held where all citizens are allowed to vote. Some planets (notably Terledrom in the Fromeltar system) are ruled by councils of businessmen and corporate executives. This is a very common system on outpost worlds as well, where one corporation has invested heavily in the colony and managed to exclude most competition.

Monarchies are not uncommon on planets in the Frontier. In these enlightened times, however, any monarchy must display an obvious concern for it's citizens in order to survive. The planet Clarion is an example of one of these "benign" or "enlightened" monarchies.

Occasionally a dictatorship will appear on a Frontier planet. The rise and fall of such states is left strictly to the residents of that planet. It is nearly unheard of for Spacefleet and/or the Rangers to be called upon to intervene in a matter of planetary politics.

Notes and References

  1. Knight Hawks Campaign Book pp.52