Star Frontiers Wiki
Dixon's Star

Truane's Star is a G7 class star with two habitable planets in orbit - New Pale and Pale.

Subspace Trade Routes

Once touted as "the far end of the Frontier", Truane's Star has become an important link in the Zebulon Pass through the Lesser Morass and the Xagyg Dust Nebula to the Rim Sector.

System History

TS system brief map F.Y. 44 - human merchant Seccitte Zebulon accidently misjumped when leaving Truane's star. He found himself in a mysterious and new star system. Upon return to Pale, Seccitte sold the astrometric data he and his crew acquired while charting their way back.

F.Y. 45 - Pale's government created a Planetary Research and Development division, to open up the "Zebulon Star Route". Pale launched a deep space probe to explore the system, now named Zebulon after its discoverer. The probe reported a planet with great mineral wealth (Volturnus). Pale became eager to colonize the planet. Because it is an ore-rich world, it already had many mining companies in operation on it. The Research division began taking development bids. The resulting competition was fierce.

F.Y. 47 - The contract to develop Volturnus was awarded to a healthy company called MINER. Plans and negotiations went on for a year, and MINER planned to begin settlement of Volturnus in early F.Y. 47.

F.Y. 49 - Pale was struck by the worst quake in the planet's history. Two major cities were destroyed, thousands were killed, and it plummeted Pale into a recession as the colonists poured all resources into the recovery. Production on the planet took a drastic decline. MINER put Volturnus on the back burner, and Truane's Star had enough on its hands to worry about the new system.

F.Y. 53 - Pale had rebuilt and had pulled out of its recession. New Pale had received a flux of colonists from Pale and was experiencing growing pains of its own. Pale liked this even better, as the increased population on New Pale would increase food production, lowering prices. The future was beginning to look bright again for Pale.

F.Y. 54 - New Pale, however, was a different story. The influx of colonists put a strain on the system and the labor pool swelled. New Pale was primarily Human, and when other races poured in, taking jobs, there were racial tensions. Many political and a few militant groups formed.

F.Y. 55 - 3 major terrorist attacks on Pale industrial targets by New Pale militant groups. Unfortunately, MINER was one of the random targets, and they poured several million credits into recovery. Pale began a military mobilization for defense. The political factions of New Pale objected to these terrorist attacks. Neither government liked what was beginning to brew on the horizon.

F.Y. 56 - A food transport to Pale was sabotaged. HUSP, a predominantly human faction opposed to the 'oppression and manipulation' of New Pale by the Pale government, took credit for the attack. Pale citizens were outraged and terrified - an attack on food supplies was an attack on their very survival. They demanded action. Pale increased their military presence by sending many ships to New Pale. These ships were there only for protection of vital food shipments, but the citizens of New Pale protested loudly.

F.Y. 57 - The second food shipment was destroyed in a bombing at New Pale's major Space port. This caused Pale to move their military presence planetside, as a "colonial protection" force. No one took credit for the bombing and rumors spread rapidly. Many believed that forces on Pale were responsible; the attack gave them the excuse to have forces planetside. New Pale began mobilizing their military as well, to 'assist' in the protection of food supplies. Residents of Pale were becoming very nervous of the situation, and the second exodus of population started; a war seemed inevitable and no one wanted to be stuck on Pale with no food.

F.Y. 58 - The inevitable happened; despite diplomatic attempts, Pale and New Pale forces clashed and the two planets were at war. Volturnus' plans were nearly forgotten. The war was fought primarily through terrorist tactics, as the New Pale military was no match Pale's numbers. Food shipments were attacked often. This led to a few pitched battles over rich agricultural centers on New Pale.

F.Y. 60 - The President and owner of MINER, a Vrusk named H'rrik Sen'tkl was kidnapped and later reported killed when his ransom was not paid. His body was never recovered, and his will called for the liquidation of MINER, with all his moneys then deposited into a private bank account. It was widely believed that a rival mining company was responsible for his death. Pale was spiraling into depression, which opened the way for warfare on the corporate level. Many mining operations went out of business. Others grew. One mid-sized corporation, based in Point True, began to acquire these small companies hoping to gain a planet-wide monopoly. The corporation was Streel. By F.Y. 63, Streel completely controlled all mining operations on Pale.

F.Y. 63 - The war between Pale and New Pale ended. For three years, Streel poured millions of the company's profits into the war effort, making an effort to end the war (and no doubt to further its relations with the government of Truane's Star). Confronted by an army of far superior quality and quantity, the HUSP faction was caught and their leaders convicted of murder. The few remaining factions were wiped away as well. The New Pale military surrendered soon after; the cease-fire was surprisingly civil. The 'undesirable' faction of New Pale's government was replaced, and the two planet's relations began a slow improvement.

F.Y. 64 - Streel became aware of the long-deserted Zebulon colonization attempt. It urged the government to develop the system claimed twenty years ago. Streel even helped finance a new Planetary Research division. The division sent an exploratory team three and a half months into the year to Zebulon, but it was never heard from again.

F.Y. 65 - Recovery from the war is proceding very well and most of the refugees have returned to Pale. Truane's star and the Streel corporation are organizing a second expedition to search for survivors of the initial mission.
